Domain-specific ontology for Bisected Learning as defined by Athanasios Marvakis and Ernst Schraube
module bisected learn2sect <> is
import [ dc learn learntrap skos xsd ]
@skos:prefLabel = "Bisected Learning Ontology"@en
@skos:prefLabel = "Ontologi om tvedelt læring"@da
@dc:description = "Domain-specific ontology for Bisected Learning as defined by Athanasios Marvakis and Ernst Schraube"@en
@dc:created = @xsd:date("2024-06-01")
@dc:creator = <>
@dc:license = <>
structure BisectedLearning is
@rdfs:subClassOf = learn:Process
@rdfs:subClassOf = ReasoningTrap
@skos:prefLabel = "Bisected Learning"@en
@skos:prefLabel = "Tvedelt læring"@da
@dc:description = "The process of learning content determined by a teacher"@en
@dc:description = "Læringsproces hvor indhold er afgjort af en lærer"@da
isTaughtBy -> learn:Educator
isLearnedBy -> learn:Learner